Przychody i koszty działalności dydaktycznej szkół wyższych w Polsce

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Aleksandra Pisarska

The aim of this work is to set the value of income (which is gained by higher education institutions) from educational activities and the costs which those units incur while fulfi lling the tasks connected with educational activities held on the basis of Law of Higher Education. Those values were assigned to the number of people studying and working in certain groups of higher education institutions. Entities analysed are the higher education institutions which were divided into thirteen groups by Central Statistics Offi ce. Study period covers the years 2005–2009. In public higher education institutions the decline in number of students in general was stated in the time period given (it was a uniform trend). In private higher education institutions stated increase in this area and it was also a uniform trend, except year 2009. In public higher education institutions higher values of costs incurred on educating students were stated than in private institutions of this type. This probably means higher level of education in those units in the time period analysed. The values of income per one student set for years 2005–2009 in higher education institutions, both public and private appeared on similar level. In public higher education institutions the values of income were insuffi cient to cover costs incurred by them (in this area). In private higher education institutions situation in this area was different.

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Jak cytować
Pisarska, A. (2011). Przychody i koszty działalności dydaktycznej szkół wyższych w Polsce. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (91), 185–200.

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