Rozmiary i kierunki migracji ludności w Polsce w latach 1990-2004

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Jan Hybel

The aim of the paper was to analyze scale and directions of internal and extemal migration of people in Poland within the years 1990 and 2004. The paper was developed using Central Statistical Office's (CSO/GUS) data. In the paper migration dynamics and diversity depending on a territorial division were analyzed. The analysis proved that there was a decrease in the internal migration and also some changes in its direction. Increase in immigration to Poland was also observed. Scale of ernigration slightly decreased. Polish integration with the EU structures resulted in the increase of temporary emigration.

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Jak cytować
Hybel, J. (2005). Rozmiary i kierunki migracji ludności w Polsce w latach 1990-2004. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (57), 5–12.

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