Kanały przepływu informacji i ich skuteczność w procesie innowacyjno-decyzyjnym rolników

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Anna Woźniak

The aim of the paper was to recognise the information needs of farmers, the sources of information demanded, the way the information is used and the evaluation of available information by farmers. The research results showed that when operating the agricultural holdings, farmers mainly need market information (ex. about current prices for products or places to sell their products) as well as know-how on technology (knowledge how to produce a high quality product). Farmers seek market information mostly by personal visits in or by calling to private firms offering services to agribusiness. They want to have current and credible information about markets. In the case of know-how, farmers generally relay on consultants, agricultural journals and neighbors. They assess this information as professional and reliable. In the innovative decision-making process farmers most often use information obtained from consultants and neighbors due to its professional character and credibility. These channels of information were equally effective if they were acted upon or not.

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Jak cytować
Woźniak, A. (2002). Kanały przepływu informacji i ich skuteczność w procesie innowacyjno-decyzyjnym rolników. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (47), 131–142. https://doi.org/10.22630/EIOGZ.2002.47.28

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