Subwencje jako źródło dochodów gminy

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Anna Świrska

General subvention granted in Poland constitutes one of basic sources of incomes for local districts authorities – communities. In some cases it becomes the major income allotted for completion of local tasks. The general subvention in Poland consists of three elements, which are: compensation subvention, education subvention and balance subvention. These are regulated by the different regulations, i.e. Local District Authorities Income Act from 13th November 2003 and ordinances of the Minister of Finance. The major aim of the subvention is to supplement local own incomes, particularly when these incomes are not sufficient to carry out local authorities’ projects. However there appear some nuances which cast doubt on subvention’s effectiveness.

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Jak cytować
Świrska, A. (2008). Subwencje jako źródło dochodów gminy. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (65), 167–180.

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