The influence of the level of professional activity on spending free time by the disabled inhabiting the rural areas

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Dominik Dąbrowski
Marek Kuźmicki

The way people organize their spare time, to a great extent, is the reflection of economic and cultural transformations of the society. It also applies to disabled people. It is not only a matter of how much free time people have, but also how they spend it, who helps them to organize it and with whom this free time is shared. In most societies disabled people constitute a group with the lowest level of activeness considering both their professional and their organization of leisure time. These two dimensions in the very essential way influence each other depending on the socio-demographic characteristics of the people. In the case of disabled people professional activity fulfils not only economic function but also holds essential functions of rehabilitation and integration. Making a proper use of free time has even greater influence on the progress in rehabilitation, especially in the social one. The study was aimed at examining the participation in free time of the disabled in the context of the vocational activeness.

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How to Cite
Dąbrowski, D., & Kuźmicki, M. (2014). The influence of the level of professional activity on spending free time by the disabled inhabiting the rural areas. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (107), 115–125.

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