Reform of the System of Cross Compliance and Modulation of the Direct Payments from the Prospect of France

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Paweł Bryła

This paper aims at identifying the position of France in the field of possible evolution of the system of cross compliance and modulation of the direct payments. It is based on the arguments used by the French ministry of agriculture, representatives of farmers’ unions and organizations as well as agricultural policy experts from leading research institutes in France. France still applies the system of direct payments based on historical values and minimally decoupled. It favours a simplification of cross compliance rules and obligations. Moreover, it proposes to strengthen the sanitary and ecological requirements for the importers of animals, plants, and food into the European Union so as to create a level playing field for all competitors. Though reluctant to increase the modulation rate, France would support reconstructing it on the basis of not only farm size but also labour employed on farm. Finally, France proposes to extend the rules applied within pillar I of the CAP to pillar II instruments.

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How to Cite
Bryła, P. (2009). Reform of the System of Cross Compliance and Modulation of the Direct Payments from the Prospect of France. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (73), 51–65.

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