Czynniki decydujące o wyborze żywności w polskich gospodarstwach domowych w okresie przekształceń rynkowych

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Irena Ozimek

The basic aim of the research was to define the factors determining consumer food choice during the market transformation process. The research was carried out based on empirical information collected with the use of questionnaire surveys. The research was conducted in 1994 among a one thousand, national sample embracing both the urban and rural environment. Although food choice is in great extent determined by economical factors, according to respondents opinion, health aspects play also a significant role in the hierarchy of factors. It was noted that the consumers right to reliable information on the offered product (for example through proper food labelling) is not fully realized. The biggest shortage in market information about the product turned up to be in the product packaging. A suitable consumer policy should be carried out in order to educate the consumers not only how to knowingly choose food products according with their own needs and preferences, but also in consistence with current nutritional knowledge. The aim of such policy is to lower the social costs of market transformation and improve the health status of the society.

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Jak cytować
Ozimek, I. (1998). Czynniki decydujące o wyborze żywności w polskich gospodarstwach domowych w okresie przekształceń rynkowych. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (32), 117–123.


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