Pozarolnicza działalność gospodarcza rolników - jej trwałość i społeczno-ekonomiczne skutki
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One of the forms of farmers' adopting into changing socio-economic situation has been an undertaking by them different kinds of non-farming gainful activities, such as providing services, retail and wholesale trade, food-processing, agritourism. This entrepreneurship resulted from self-employment enabled farmers to use both labour and other factors of production (land, buildings, machinery). Non-farm activity conducted by agricultural households produces different results. They may be considered either from the point of view of individual farmer and its family, agricultural holding, village, local community or at macro-scale level. The outcome of the study shows that non-agricultural activity of farmers deeply rooted in Polish rural areas, making them easier to transform from mono-functional into multi-functional.
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Jak cytować
Sikorska-Wolak, I. (1998). Pozarolnicza działalność gospodarcza rolników - jej trwałość i społeczno-ekonomiczne skutki. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (33), 21–31. https://doi.org/10.22630/EIOGZ.1998.33.19
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