Impact of fruits’ and means’ of production prices volatility on economic situation of fruit producers in Poland

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Wioletta Wróblewska
Arkadiusz Chudzik

The paper contains the analysis of prices volatility of chosen fruit species and means of production and its effect on economic situation of fruit growers in Poland in years 2001–2012. Results of research showed that prices of strawberries and raspberries were characterized by the highest volatility. The lowest volatility of fruit prices was observed in pears production. Among analysed prices of means of production, the highest rise was observed in hourly wages and prices of fertilizers. The analysis of volatility of prices of fruits and means of production revealed that the economic situation of apples’ and pears’ producers has undergone deterioration. However, raspberry producers faced improvement of their economic situation.

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How to Cite
Wróblewska, W., & Chudzik, A. (2015). Impact of fruits’ and means’ of production prices volatility on economic situation of fruit producers in Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (109), 123–132.

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