An attempt to analyze the auctions with different distributions of valuations

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Agnieszka Lewczuk

Keywords : auction, distribution of valuations, seller`s expected revenue
Until the end of the 90s, when analyzing auctions, it was assumed that distributions of bidders valuations are identical. However, this assumption is highly idealized and cannot be accepted for the majority of auctions - such auctions are called asymmetric. Works of art or thoroughbred horse auctions belong to his kind of auctions. This thesis tries to analyze auctions with different distribution of bidders valuations. It pays more attention to a comparison of seller`s expected revenue from a first price sealed-bid auction and an open (English) auction. It will show that Revenue Equivalent Theorem is not true in this situation. It will also prove that if the distributions of bidders valuations fulfill first order stochastic dominance then the first price sealed-bid auction will ensure higher expected revenue than the open (English) auction

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How to Cite
Lewczuk, A. (2006). An attempt to analyze the auctions with different distributions of valuations. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (60), 197–206.

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