Using the Map of Strategic Groups in Dispersed Sectors Basing on Example of Dairy Industry

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Michał Pietrzak

This article presents a map of strategic groups as a modem analytical tool, which can be used to support an analysis of competitive situation. In the paper, first the general characteristic of map of strategic groups is made and same difficulties in using this tool with regard to dispersed sectors are reeognized. Then, Author proposes the methodology for the preparing the map of strategic groups in dispersed sectors. The proposed methodology is based on applying the multidimensional statistics methods (cluster analysis). This methodology is illustrated by example of dairy industry. Finally, the potential possibilities of using the map of strategic groups as analytical tool are pinpointed.

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How to Cite
Pietrzak, M. (2002). Using the Map of Strategic Groups in Dispersed Sectors Basing on Example of Dairy Industry. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (46), 47–58.

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