Ryzyko reputacyjne w procesach fuzji i przejęć na globalnym rynku bankowym

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Ewa Miklaszewska

One of the typical problems in merger and acquisition is the post-merger integration of corporate culture, including the management of reputation risk. This is a relatively new problem, as the reputational risk was not initially included in the Basel Committee recommendations. The post-crisis period brought increased interest in this type of risk. The purpose of this article is therefore to trace the sources of reputational risk and consequences of the problems associated with the negative reputation of the bank, focusing on large global institutions. Numerous empirical examples have shown that reputational risk is more important for large than for small banks, as well as those of smaller capitalization and consequently should be an important factor in consolidation processes. Reputational problems may result in either bankruptcy after the scandal, or long-term loss of customers and business partners, leading to the destruction of the brand and company image.

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Jak cytować
Miklaszewska, E. (2015). Ryzyko reputacyjne w procesach fuzji i przejęć na globalnym rynku bankowym. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (109), 97–106. https://doi.org/10.22630/EIOGZ.2015.109.8

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