Wyniki i organizacja produkcji w gospodarstwach rolniczych o różnych formach organizacyjno-prawnych

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Mirosław Wasilewski

In the paper the comparative analysis of !he organization and the productivity per unit of the plant and animal production in different organizational and property forms of agricultural farms is presented. The share of agricultural land in total area was similar in all of the farms' groups, the area of agricultural land in private farms increased insignificantly while in another farms it decreased. Those farms were characterized by the lowest area. Companies were characterized by the lowest level of labour force reserves while in private farms those reserves were the highest. In all of the farms' groups cereals dominated in the structure of sown, the most in private farms, and the least in companies owned to A WRSP. The differences between farms as regards fertilizing with mineral fertilizers were not large, and the highest crops of cereals occurred in A WRSP companies. The highest number of livestock occurred in private farms and the lowest in A WRSP companies. In the structure of the herd of animals swine predominated in private farms and in the rest of farms' groups cattle predominated. Private farms were characterized by the highest effectiveness of reserves of resources to the production usage while companies incurred losses.

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Jak cytować
Wasilewski, M. (2004). Wyniki i organizacja produkcji w gospodarstwach rolniczych o różnych formach organizacyjno-prawnych. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (53), 127–142. https://doi.org/10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.53.19

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