Klasyfikacja zapasów i gospodarowanie nimi w podmiotach rolniczych

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Mirosław Wasilewski

In the paper the classification of reserves according to many criterions is presented. The attempt of defying uniform groups of reserves with highest and lowest level as regards the regularity of demand and the possibility of running low in different organizational and property forms of agricultural farms was made. Within all groups of farms the rising role of cooperation with deliverers of factors to the production on the basis of trade contracts was observed. Resources to the production were ordered in different ways depending on the groups of resources. The time of delivery realization was shortest in private farms (mainly for the sake of direct purchase). Reserves characterized by highest and lowest states as well as regard the possibility of running low, the regularity of demand and possibility of forecasting were di verse between the groups of farms. The management of reserves in different organizational and property forms of agricultural farms should be treated individually. The normative determination of levels of reserves' types is difficult. In private farms the situation is worsened by the little farmers' knowledge about possibilities of reserves' managing rationalization.

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Jak cytować
Wasilewski, M. (2004). Klasyfikacja zapasów i gospodarowanie nimi w podmiotach rolniczych. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (54), 51–68. https://doi.org/10.22630/EIOGZ.2004.54.27

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