Private banking w PKO BP S.A. w opiniach klientów

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Mirosław Wasilewski
Emilia Stola

The paper aims to present the assessment of individual customers’ opinions, regarding the private banking section in PKO BP S.A. bank. This segment of banking is most often used by people with higher education and age from 36 to 55 years. The most important choice determinants of private banking customers in PKO BP S.A. are the convenient location of the bank branches and opening hours. The less important mater in this range concerns the aspect of the attraction of the bank offer. The majority of customers described the banks financial adviser as competent and well prepared to work. Customers usually meet with an adviser once a month. The participants of the private banking section use mostly to make the operation on savings-settlement account and also on a prestige payment cards. The majority of PKO BP S.A. customers assesed the private banking offer of this bank as a similar to other banks

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Jak cytować
Wasilewski, M., & Stola, E. (2008). Private banking w PKO BP S.A. w opiniach klientów. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (65), 19–29.

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