Rola kredytów w kształtowaniu dochodów gospodarstw chłopskich

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Alina Daniłowska

In 1990-1992 only about 22 per cent of surveyed agricultural holdings utilized some kind of credits, at the same time, the rest of family farms did not find credits of any importance. There is evidence to suggest a strong mutual relations between the frequency of using credits and the level of received income. The research presented the following findings: - Farms, in which forming accounted for the main source of income, preferred operating credits; - Farms, in which income was earned outside agriculture, utilized investment credits. Based on the above findings and on other evidence it was concluded, that agricultural holdings using moderate level of credits for purchasing inventories and services, received the best financial results. Low level of indebtedness in relation to gross disposable income in the surveyed farms suggests, that debt service was not a significant problem. This is not to say, that individual agricultural holdings did not have problems with current loan payments of both interest and instalment.

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Jak cytować
Daniłowska, A. (1997). Rola kredytów w kształtowaniu dochodów gospodarstw chłopskich. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (30), 85–96.

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