Wiejskie gospodarstwa domowe w optyce międzynarodowej

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Barbara Tryfan

Despite heterogenic forms of life and work in rural households in todays world certain common features regarding both the functioning as well as the directions of their transformation can be found. An attempt of such a diagnosis in the case of Germany, France and Finland was undertaken. Similarities regarding the evolution of the rural family, family-professional role of women syndrome, the division of the employment market and the differentiation of tasks in the household were found. In all three countries similar trends concerning the mergers of incomes from different sources took place in rural households. In all cases the same trends concerned: changing from agriculture to services, employment in the public sector to employment in the private sector, formal earning to income activities in own household, working full-time to taking odd jobs and during high-season.

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Jak cytować
Tryfan, B. (1998). Wiejskie gospodarstwa domowe w optyce międzynarodowej. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (32), 41–50. https://doi.org/10.22630/EIOGZ.1998.32.4

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