Efektywność wykorzystania czynników wytwórczych w rodzinnych gospodarstwach konwencjonalnych i ekologicznych

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Mirosław Wasilewski

Agriecological production - an alternative way of fanning - constitutes quite new phenomenon that has not been completely recognised yet. An attempt of the research conducted in 1997 was to analyse both costs and efficiency of production factors in conventional and ecological farms. Moreover, resources of basic means of production as well as organisation of crop and animal production were subject to investigation. Comparative analysis showed that ecological holdings on average were occupied by farmers with higher level of education, they disposed of slightly larger farmland area, presented more wider variety of sown area, larger number of livestock and relatively higher level of workforce. Selected groups of agricultural holdings predominantly were focused on mixed production. In total costs of conventional farms the biggest portion represented costs of non-farm current inputs and services while in ecological farms major components of the total costs constituted costs of current farm inputs from purchase together with financial costs. In comparison with conventional households ecological farms had lower land profitableness (by about 76 pet' cent taking into consideration agricultural income per 1 ha of farmland) and this income per unit of sale (by 16 per cent). Labour efficiency in ecological farms was lower by about half, similarly their return on fixed and current assets from purchase. However, ratio between current inputs from purchase and fixed assets was slightly higher in ecological holdings.

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Jak cytować
Wasilewski, M. (1998). Efektywność wykorzystania czynników wytwórczych w rodzinnych gospodarstwach konwencjonalnych i ekologicznych. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (35), 131–146. https://doi.org/10.22630/EIOGZ.1998.35.46

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