Privatisation in the framework of National Investment Funds as the Method of Efficiency Improvement in the Agribusiness Enterprises

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Mieczysław Adamowicz

The objective of this paper is to present the process of mass privatisation in Poland through National lnvestment Funds by focusing on companies acting in agribusiness sector. The framework of the study is broaden by presentation of privatisation processes both in countries with functioning market economies and in these where economic transition is continuing. Generally, the main purpose of privatisation is to improve economic efficiency both in the enterprises and in whole national economy, to increase profitability as well as to rationalise managing system. First of all, the study reviews operation and organisation of privatisation processes, because an evaluation of their effectiveness would be possible just after some time. System of mass privatisation adopted in Poland represents not capital privatisation. It covered 512 portfolio companies, which represented 8.1 per cent of total value of production sold by industry in Poland. Agri-food industry was accounted for 13 per cent of total number of companies and for 8.4 per cent of value of sold production of food industry. Companies representing meat and cereal sectors dominate among companies of different sectors included in NIFs. The participation of food processing companies in portfolios of selected NIFs is unequal (from O to 14 companies). These companies were willingly chosen by investment funds since good perspectives for development of food processing industry in Poland.

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How to Cite
Adamowicz, M. (1999). Privatisation in the framework of National Investment Funds as the Method of Efficiency Improvement in the Agribusiness Enterprises. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (36), 5–21.

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