Produkcyjno-ekonomiczne zróżnicowanie gospodarstw o różnych kierunkach zmian obszarowych

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Tomasz Klusek

This paper presents an analysis of production and economic situation of individual farms choosing different directions of evolution in their area size. The analysis is based on the empirical data obtained from individual farms surveyed in the years 1992 and 1996. Studied farms represent four macroregions, i.e. capital, north-eastern, northern and central-western macroregions. Holdings were classified into three groups: the ones increasing their area, decreasing their area and not changing their area. Research results show that changes in farms' structure according to the acreage considerably influence the economics and effectiveness of the farms. The data indicates that the holdings expanding their area generally are better equipped with fixed assets and generate higher level of income comparing with its average level. They have more potentials for preservation and future development. The holdings reducing their acreage are worse outfitted with fixed assets and reach lower level of income that is earned predominantly from off-farm activity. Reducing farm area, some of the latter make first steps towards the farm closure in the near future. Operators of major part of examined holdings have not been interested in increasing the farmland area waiting for signs of improvement in Polish agriculture.

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Jak cytować
Klusek, T. (2000). Produkcyjno-ekonomiczne zróżnicowanie gospodarstw o różnych kierunkach zmian obszarowych. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (38), 125–136.

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Roczniki Statystyczne GUS.

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