Próba oszacowania wpływu na środowisko ekologicznych gospodarstw rolnych w Polsce

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Henryk Manteuffel Szoege
Agnieszka Sobolewska

This study focuses on the impacts the ecological farms have on the environment in Poland. A tentative estimate applies to the representation of the ecological farms investigated' by Wasilewski [1998], as compared to the conventional farms of a similar size, and is limited only to one year, 1997. The results suggest a similar impact irrespective of the way of forming. The ammonia emission from the ecological farms has been estimated as 13 per cent lower than from the conventional ones (the difference amounts to some 2 kg NH3/hectare/year) in the consequence of smaller number of farm animals and a different structure of the livestock. On the other hand, the nitrogen leaching from the fields into the groundwater has been estimated as bigger in the ecological farms (by 7.8 kg N/hectare/year, circa 23 per cent). This results from the relatively low level of mineral fertiliser use, lower share of legumes and greater of the winter crops in the general cropping of the conventional farms.

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Jak cytować
Manteuffel Szoege, H., & Sobolewska, A. (2000). Próba oszacowania wpływu na środowisko ekologicznych gospodarstw rolnych w Polsce. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (41), 119–129.

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