Costs and Benefits of Investments in Animal Wastes Storage Facilities in Polish Livestock Farms

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Edward Majewski
Sławomir Straszewski
Adam Wąs


The paper presents the results of the analysis on investments in animal wastes storage facilities in Polish farms necessary to meet requirements of the EU Nitrate Directive. The linear models (employing optimum objective functions) of 88 farm types including dairy, pig and mixed farms were constructed to compute both costs and benefits of investments as well as to examine their impacts on farm income level. It was estimated that at present about 20-25% of Polish farms is satisfactory equipped according to the Directive requirements. The solutions of the most farm models show that the investments needed have a small negative impact on the farm incomes. Financial barriers and a low degree of ecological awareness of farmers might be considered as serious obstacles for the building the farm ecological infrastructure. Taking into account predicable social benefits of ecological investments it might be concluded that either financial direct support or any incentives for investment programs would be justified. However, public investment support for small farms could be questioned ·since expected concentration in animal production would lead probably to the abandoning livestock keeping by these farms in close future.

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How to Cite
Majewski, E., Straszewski, S., & Wąs, A. (2002). Costs and Benefits of Investments in Animal Wastes Storage Facilities in Polish Livestock Farms. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (46), 161–174.

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