Przemiany ludnościowe na wsi w Polsce w latach 1970-2000

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Ewa Mossakowska

This paper consists of an analysis of changes in sizes and certain socioeconomic features of overall rural population, and particularly of population involved in individual farming and employed in agricultural sector in Poland over the period 1970-2000. The main data was derived from the results of the Population Censuses. The article discovered the factors determining the declining number of both population connected with agriculture and farm population. It was found at the same time that the number of rural population in total did not change considerably in the period under consideration.

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Jak cytować
Mossakowska, E. (2003). Przemiany ludnościowe na wsi w Polsce w latach 1970-2000. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (49), 61–72.

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