The Assessment of Changes of the Situation of Women on rural labor market in Poland in the years 1996-2003

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Janina Sawicka
Iwona Kurek


The aim of the paper is the assessment of the situation of women on rural labor market in Poland. The highest rate of unemployment is noticed in the rural areas within the group of not possessing farms and it is higher especially in women's case. More and more w omen complain that the conditions of work and life are getting worse. Some of them undertake. their own business. Such a work allows them to cope with housework and growing up children. The trade is the most constant field of the women's activity. However, there are still numerous barriers of running the enterprises. The rural women also participate in social life, i.e. Village Housewives Organizations, but they still are a small part of employed in public administration.

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How to Cite
Sawicka, J., & Kurek, I. (2003). The Assessment of Changes of the Situation of Women on rural labor market in Poland in the years 1996-2003. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (50), 57–71.

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