Eksport owoców i warzyw istotnym atutem polskiego sektora ogrodniczego

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Wojciech Ciechomski
Jacek Niewiadomski

The role and importance of Polish agri-food processing sector in the international trade changed drastically over last 11 years. The share of agri-food processing export in the total exports decreased from 12% level in the middle of 80's to 8% at the tum of century and on1y 6% in 2004. Despite the decreasing tendency in foreign trade in agri-food processing products, the export potential of horticulture sector was relatively high. Currently the export income from the horticulture sector constitutes almost 25% of the total income from the agri-food processing exports and the share of export value of fruits and vegetables constitutes 40% of the total value of their production. Within the examined 11-years period (1993-2003) covering the years of transformation of Polish economy and preparation for EU membership, the volume of exported horticulture products from Poland has doubled. Despite the process of structural changes and revaluation of Polish currency, the horticulture sector has proved to be prepared for competition and development.

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Jak cytować
Ciechomski, W., & Niewiadomski, J. (2005). Eksport owoców i warzyw istotnym atutem polskiego sektora ogrodniczego. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (57), 25–34. https://doi.org/10.22630/EIOGZ.2005.57.16

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