Identification of ways of implementing the 2nd pillar of the CAP in Central and Eastern Europe countries

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Krzysztof Pawłowski
Wawrzyniec Czubak

Keywords : Common Agricultural Policy, Rural Development Program 2007–2013, European Union, Central and Eastern Europe, rural development, agriculture
The 2nd pillar of the Common Agricultural Policy plays a very significant role in shaping the image of a modern, European village. It’s impact on the development of agriculture and rural areas seems to be obvious, for example because of the place it occupies in the structure of the European Union budget. However, it’s very important to precisely determine the effects of its implementation. Therefore, in this article the main goal was to show the reasons for diversifying the implementation of the Rural Development Program 2007–2013 in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Against the background of differences in the economic and production situation of the agricultural sector, the design of the Programs was evaluated and it’s impact on changes in the agricultural sectors of these countries was compared. To show the impact of the funds of the second pillar of the CAP, the time range presenting changes in agriculture covers the years before and after integration. Based on them, a comparison of the implemented activities and the structure of their financing has been made.

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How to Cite
Pawłowski, K., & Czubak, W. (2018). Identification of ways of implementing the 2nd pillar of the CAP in Central and Eastern Europe countries. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (124), 109–123.

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