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Lucyna Witek
Katarzyna Szalonka

Keywords : behavior, food, determinants, consumer
The purpose of the article is to identify factors that affect consumer attitudes and behavior towards food perceived by consumers as healthy. This article was based on interdisciplinary literature studies and qualitative research conducted in March and April 2017 by means of individual unstructured interviews on a sample of 30 respondents. All respondents are residents of Poland, exhibiting above average involvement in the processes of acquiring goods, preparing meals. From literature and empirical research, it can be concluded that consumers expect food not only for their taste and nutritional value, but first of all for health. The article has characterized the motives for buying food, considered by consumers to be healthier than food outlets (mass food). Food safety, health care for you and your family, and authenticity are becoming increasingly important criteria for choosing foods. The main determinants of consumer behavior in the healthy food market are demographic factors, health awareness, motivation, lifestyle, social factors and consumer perceptions. Particular attention has been paid to organic and functional foods as products valued for their health.

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How to Cite
Witek, L., & Szalonka, K. (2017). PERCEPTION OF HEALTHY FOOD AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOR. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (120), 159–174.

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