Concept of a model „activity based costing in higher education institutions”

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Edyta Piątek
Ilona Dziedzic-Jagocka

Keywords : activity based, costing, calculation of cost, public sector
As a result of introducing internal control of the public finances, it is necessary to introduce the elements of management accounting in public entities. In particular, the use of activity based costing enables the realization of goals and objectives in a manner consistent with the law, effective, efficient and on time. Higher education institutions as public sector entities were obliged to introduce activity based costing assumptions and in consequences to identify statutory and partial tasks and activities, media activities and media resources. Despite theoretical preparation, implementation of management accounting raises technical and organizational problems in the universities. Moreover, the data obtained in individual institutions are not comparable.

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How to Cite
Piątek, E., & Dziedzic-Jagocka, I. (2015). Concept of a model „activity based costing in higher education institutions”. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (110), 97–119.

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