Selected elements of the policy of trade credit and the size of dairy cooperatives

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Teresa Domańska

Keywords : dairy cooperatives, trade credit, credit position
The paper presents the results of research referring to dependency between the size of dairy cooperatives and certain aspects of trade credit policy. The study involved 60 dairy cooperatives which had prepared and announced financial report in section B of the Cooperative Supervision in 2010. The research sample was divided into quartiles in order of the increasing value of total assets. The value of total assets of the dairy cooperatives had an impact on the elements of trade credit policy. The managers of smaller dairy cooperatives took the position of a trade loan recipient in order to obtain additional sources for financing current operations. At the same time the managers of large and extra large diary cooperatives took the position of a trade loan recipient more willingly when the extension of the period of receivables collection was offered to them. This situation indicates that the managers of the largest dairy cooperatives use more liberal policy of trade credit than the supervisors of smaller dairy cooperatives.

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How to Cite
Domańska, T. (2015). Selected elements of the policy of trade credit and the size of dairy cooperatives. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (110), 179–189.

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