A product offer as an element of the marketing-mix in agricultural households situated in high nature value areas of Lubelskie region

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Agnieszka Siedlecka

Keywords : nature value areas, household, agritourism, product
Conducting economic activity, regardless of its nature, is connected with creating a product which will be of particular interest to its future consumers. According to the Tourist Institute’s data, the number of inbound tourists in the forthcoming years will be on the increase. Particularly interesting seems to be the trend indicated by The European Travel Commission (ETC) according to which the increase of awareness connected with environmental protection will result in a bigger interest of tourists in the spots with balanced development being of great importance. As regards Lubelskie region (NUTS 2), it is crucial to develop tourism in rural areas, ecotourism as well as agritourism. In order to acquire customers, agricultural households need to take actions to create and promote an interesting offer. Only if they propose the product attractive to customers, will it be possible. The purpose of the following article is to analyse the offer of products provided by agricultural households located in high nature value areas of Lubelskie region and to answer the question whether doing business in those areas positively influences the product offer range. To achieve the aforementioned objective, the research in agricultural households from high nature value municipalities and those with lower environmental values was carried out. It was conducted in November and December 2013. The results obtained by the author indicate that the location of households offering tourist services in high nature value areas has a significant impact on an extended product offer. It may be influenced by both environmental factors as well as household owners’ activity.

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How to Cite
Siedlecka, A. (2015). A product offer as an element of the marketing-mix in agricultural households situated in high nature value areas of Lubelskie region. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (111), 131–142. https://doi.org/10.22630/EIOGZ.2015.111.40

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