Marketingowy aspekt zachowań młodych konsumentów w zarządzaniu gospodarką żywnościową

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Dagmara Bubel

Keywords : young consumer behaviour, management, food industry
In the age of market globalisation, characterised, among other things, by high intensity of competition among enterprises, it is increasingly important to have broadly understood knowledge about consumers, their needs, expectations, habits, aspirations and, above all, determinants of such behaviour. Food manufacturers, in order to survive on the increasingly competitive market of food products, have to monitor factors shaping consumer behaviour on the market, which are subject to constant changes, and to explore the determinants of changes. As part of the research a questionnaire survey was conducted on the population of 200 people – a group of German school pupils aged 12–16. The research procedure was a direct questionnaire survey. The spatial extent of the questionnaire survey was the area of Brandenburg. The substantive scope of the questionnaire survey included issues related with the process of taking decisions by consumers about purchase of particular food products and factors affecting such decisions.

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How to Cite
Bubel, D. (2015). Marketingowy aspekt zachowań młodych konsumentów w zarządzaniu gospodarką żywnościową. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (112), 15–32.

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