Prices in the agri-food sector in the conditions of business cycle

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Jacek Maśniak

Keywords : Austrian school of economics, business cycle, price structure, agri-food sector.
The aim of the article was to verify the hypothesis derived from the Austrian business cycle theory that the prices of goods produced in sectors which are most distant from consumers fluctuate more than the prices of consumption goods. A study carried out for the agri-food sector in the years 2001–2014 showed that the price of agricultural raw materials (agricultural market output) and natural resources (agricultural land) fluctuate more than prices of food products. The prices of fixed assets were relatively stable, which should not happen according to the business cycle theory.

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How to Cite
Maśniak, J. (2016). Prices in the agri-food sector in the conditions of business cycle. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (113), 5–16.

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