Promotional activities of corporate coffee chains and their evaluation based on survey research

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Monika Świątkiewicz
Sylwia Okraska

Keywords : promotional campaigns, coffee chains, gastronomy services, coffee
work cafes in Poland as well as and their influence on consumer decisions. A survey assessing the consumers’ knowledge of, preferences, and frequency of using various forms of promotional activities used by leading cafes network was carried out. It was found out that promotional activities influence the customers’ decisions to visit a cafe. This factor turned out to be more important than a well-known brand name and general opinion on a particular cafe. Regardless of the brand and used forms of promotion, it was the taste of coffee, quality of service and the atmosphere of the place that were the most important factors determining the customers’ decisions to visit a particular café.

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How to Cite
Świątkiewicz, M., & Okraska, S. (2016). Promotional activities of corporate coffee chains and their evaluation based on survey research. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (113), 65–76.

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