Aspects of good governance of companies according to the WIG-Food index

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Krzysztof Firlej

This paper aims is to show the place of good governance in enterprises that have passed through the operating status of the national economy. Management dominates the companies to operate correctly, in connection with other enterprises, creating ever-larger and stronger company, but also is responsible for properly conducted information policy towards its shareholders and complying with all principles of good governance. This way, the activities of companies are even more effective and the risks associated with their operation are reduced. Presentation of “Best Practices” used by some companies in the index WIG – Food in the article was meant to demonstrate attitude of the boards of those companies having their application in economic practice, which became a requirement of our times.

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How to Cite
Firlej, K. (2011). Aspects of good governance of companies according to the WIG-Food index. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (87), 27–40.

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