Role of retailer’s own brands on the Polish market

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Aleksandra Lubańska

The importance of retailer’s own brands on the Polish market is inseparably connected with development of the hypermarkets’ network (so called Modern Distribution Channels, that is: hipermarkets, supermarkets and discount shops) in the trade sector. The highest share of the own brands exists in the countries of Western Europe, in Switzerland their share of the entire sale comes out at 50%, in Great Britain, Belgium, Germany and Spain about 40%. In Central and Eastern Europe the own brand’s market share comes out at between 30%–40%. Intensified concentration processes in the trade sector, stronger market competition are favourable for the increase of the own brands’ share in the sale sector also in Poland, however the share of this category of own brands on the market is the lowest in Europe and comes out at 21%.

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How to Cite
Lubańska, A. (2011). Role of retailer’s own brands on the Polish market. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (87), 83–94.

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