The Need for Changes in the Territorial Division of Communities

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Damian Walczak

Keywords : National territory; Territorial planning; Territorial economy; District
The local government plays a significant role in the process of building a democratic civil society. At present a 3-level structure of the local government exists in Poland: communes, districts and provinces. The division into 16 provinces, 379 districts and 2479 communes was introduces on 1 st January 1999. After several years of the local government's operation, changes in the territorial division in the territorial division could be considered. Discussion could focus on the number of the local government levels and the number of the individual units. In the aspect of changes at the commune level, the following issues should be considered first: a decrease in the number of councillors in individual communes, combining rural communes with their seat in towns with these towns, liquidation (merger) of some of the smallest communes.

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How to Cite
Walczak, D. (2012). The Need for Changes in the Territorial Division of Communities. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (99), 205–213.

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