The changes in Farm’s production structure during 1993 – 2003 period

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Bolesław Borkowski
Wiesław Szczesny

Within the analysed homesteads, a rationalization of employment and equipment in assets members and a concentration of arable lands area have taken place. Price range indexes, which are disadvantageous for agriculture, have resulted in a drop of actual final output value and material asset members costs. Analysis has shown an increase in arable lands concentration within the examined homesteads, especially until year 1998 (the Gini index amounted to 0,544). An increase in productivity of asset members and effectiveness of invested work are the positive aspects of changes that took place within the homesteads. Effectiveness of productive factors and production flexibility, which were calculated based on a dynamic exponential function, differed within two separate groups of homesteads of dissimilar arable lands area

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How to Cite
Borkowski, B., & Szczesny, W. (2006). The changes in Farm’s production structure during 1993 – 2003 period. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (60), 57–67.

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