Economic Level of Peasant Agricultural Holdings - Regional Differentiation in the Years 1992-1996
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In this paper there has been presented regional differentiation of economic level of peasant agricultural holdings in Poland in the years 1992 - 1996. The study covers following macroregions: central, north-eastern, northern and middle-western. An analysis was based on empirical material obtained through double survey, in 1992 and 1996, of the same peasant holdings among which inquiries were conducted. The subject to examination were both the level and differentiation of production effects and incomes, 'Changes in the level and structure of output, in relations between factors of production as well as in an economic efficiency. Additionally, land and labour resources alterations were investigated. Research results showed considerable regional differences between peasant holdings in production factors and incomes. An economic efficiency of resources and inputs in 1996 was higher in relation to 1992 only in the case of northern and middle-western macroregions. In remaining macroregions this efficiency has fallen, particularly in regard to land managing.
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Kozioł, Z. (1998). Economic Level of Peasant Agricultural Holdings - Regional Differentiation in the Years 1992-1996. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (34), 33–57.
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