Wykształcenie ludności rolniczej jako determinanta rozwoju rolnictwa

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Zofia Kołoszko-Chomentowska

The paper describes an importance of the rural population’s education for the development of the country and rural areas. The need for modernization change in the Polish agriculture and the quest for measures designed to improve the social and economic conditions of the country-dwellers are connected with their education enhancement. Only well-educated people can take efficient actions in any sphere where many factors are involved. The quality of rural population re sources increases consistently, but it is still low as compare to its level among the urban people. It is why any measures are required to be taken to smooth the odds between rural and urban people. The studies indicated close relations between the quality of human capital and the effect of agricultural management. The higheducated farmers are more venturesome and open to the market. It is observed especially in such areas as investment activity and marketable farm production. The analysis of agricultural labor resources carried out on the data of the General Agricultural Census revealed diversified attitudes of farmers towards the market changes depending on an education of manager of a farm. The activity of farmers with secondary or high education is more intense and successful

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Jak cytować
Kołoszko-Chomentowska, Z. (2008). Wykształcenie ludności rolniczej jako determinanta rozwoju rolnictwa. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (67), 79–85. https://doi.org/10.22630/EIOGZ.2008.67.70

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