Źródła wzrostu wartości technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych (ICT)

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Grzegorz Sobiecki

The paper presents a preliminary method of ICT value analysis. The aim of this paper was to identify all ICT value sources, areas within which the economic role of ICT increases. The author finds that the main areas of independent, holistic ICT value growth are institutions, technologies, implementation, accessibility, affordability, know-how and actual use of ICT’s. They constitute a system, which is called ICT ecosystem or ICT value growth chain. The development of the ICT ecosystem is complete and sustainable (balanced), when it is carried out simultaneously within all of its areas. Each area produces some value, but it is not, technically speaking, the added value, represented collectively by the equivalent of “market price” good in the classic production chain, but the absolute value assessed from the perspective of its role in the economy. The presented structure provides the basis for presentation and analysis of multidimensional development of ICTs and its role in the economic growth.

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Jak cytować
Sobiecki, G. (2012). Źródła wzrostu wartości technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych (ICT). Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (95), 79–89. https://doi.org/10.22630/EIOGZ.2012.95.6

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