Sytuacja finansowa przedsiębiorstw o odmiennych strategiach zarządzania kapitałem obrotowym

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Mirosław Wasilewski
Serhiy Zabolotnyy

In the article the relations between opposite approaches to working capital management and chosen financial ratios are defined on the example of stock companies from food processing industry. In the enterprise Kofola S.A. using an aggressive working capital strategy a low level of liquidity, short cycles of current assets’ conversion and negative cycles of cash conversion appeared. Profitability of business and the value of EVA were low in this company. In the enterprise Wilbo S.A. using conservative strategies, high level of liquidity ratios, longer cycles of current assets’ conversion and cash conversion. Conservative strategy of Wilbo S.A. was characterized by negative rates of profitability and negative rate of return for owners built on EVA. Opposite approaches to working capital management do not ensure required rates of return from invested capital for shareholders. That is why the synchronization of partial strategies of the enterprise is very important.

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Jak cytować
Wasilewski, M., & Zabolotnyy, S. (2009). Sytuacja finansowa przedsiębiorstw o odmiennych strategiach zarządzania kapitałem obrotowym. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (78), 5–20.

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