The issue of reserves according to the balance law and International Accounting Standard

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Mirosław Wasilewski

The paper presents accountant solutions concerning reserves according to the accountancy law and IAS-2 "Reserves" and IAS-41 "Agriculture". In accordance with the accountancy law accountants have to identify borne cost connected with run activity according to its usefulness, profitability and presenting information in the financial account. Solutions concerning recording and reserves valuation are strictly defined in the accountancy law, what is to a large extent coherent with solutions in IAS-2 "Reserves". Introducing IAS-41 "Agriculture" enabled to specify better solutions concerning reserves in agricultural farms. In that scope in agricultural enterprises far-reaching simplifications are applied. Reserves influence the assessment of the structure of firm's property, as well as the financial liquidity. The scope of recording of economic events connected with reserves could be limited and simplified by introducing reserves managing according to the conception "just in time".

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How to Cite
Wasilewski, M. (2005). The issue of reserves according to the balance law and International Accounting Standard. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (55), 79–93.

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