The Use of Synthetic Measures of Structure Dynamism in the Analysis of Economic Activity Changes of Rural Population

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Ewa Wasilewska

In the paper the synthetic analysis of changes in the economic activity structure was presented with classification into agricultural rural population and landless rural population. The measures of structure changes intensity and measures of average structure changes in the depiction of fixed base index and chain index were used. The use of synthetic measures of the structure dynamism is an essential supplementation of the traditional methodology in the scope of structure analysis. Not large changes in the structure of economic activity of agricultural and landless people were stated, what reflects stability in this scope, while insignificantly larger changes were observed in the group of landless population. The tendency resulting from higher mobility of that group of people because of land and lower attachment to the place of living was stated. Agricultural people were characterised by higher attachment to the place of living, so possible changes needs more time.

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How to Cite
Wasilewska, E. (2007). The Use of Synthetic Measures of Structure Dynamism in the Analysis of Economic Activity Changes of Rural Population. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (62), 67–80.

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