Ecological Farms upon Sustainable Development of Agriculture

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Henryk Runowski


The paper presents the concept for sustainable development of agriculture and agricultural holdings. When discussing the process of developing farms and agri-businesses, the emphasis was given to the growing conflict between economy and ecology. Apart from this, some determinants of sustainable development of farms and agro-food enterprises were set down. There are ecological and integrated farms that represent the agricultural production practices best fitting the sustainable development principles. The paper discusses the development of ecological agriculture in Europe including Poland and thus indicates main obstacles and opportunities for the development of ecological farms in Poland. The capability to overcome considered barriers will significantly determine the possibilities for development of ecological farms in Poland and their partaking in the practical implementation of the concept of sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas.

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How to Cite
Runowski, H. (2000). Ecological Farms upon Sustainable Development of Agriculture. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (41), 103–118.

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