Rolnictwo ekologiczne w Polsce na tle tendencji światowych

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Henryk Runowski

In the paper, the development of the ecological agriculture in Poland was presented. The assessment of this method of forming in the polish agriculture was presented against the background of this phenomenon world trends. Ecological agriculture in Poland is characterized by lower development level than in a lot of world countries, especially in EU countries, where high dynamism of the increase of ecological farms, area of agricultural lands developed by ecological farms and the value of the ecological food market are observed. Introduced recently legislative adjustments as well as subventions also in Poland will be capable of reviving Polish farmers interest of this production method.lw

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Jak cytować
Runowski, H. (2003). Rolnictwo ekologiczne w Polsce na tle tendencji światowych. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (49), 245–262.

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ZMP Okomarkt Forum, za lata 2000/2001.lw



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