Szanse i bariery zrównoważonego rozwoju rolnictwa i wsi w Małopolsce

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Janusz Żmija

This paper discusses the main opportunities and obstacles both agriculture and rural areas in the Małopolska face when sustainable development is taken into consideration. Successful transformation in the region, together with its sustainable development will be determined by changes in labour-land interrelations as well as changes in labour-capital interrelations. Any decline in the agricultural employment will affect changes in those relations and improve the economic effectiveness of farming. Economic development of rural areas in Małopolska cannot be based solely on the agriculture development. Entrepreneurship outside agriculture combined with farming generate strong opportunities for transformation observed in rural areas at the present stage of development. It will also favour sustainable development of agriculture and country. The chances of such development include: advantages of natural environment, demographic and cultural factors, entrepreneurship development in agriculture and outside of it, potential for time-consuming production of high quality agricultural commodities, the expansion of economic activity areas at the communes (gminas) le vel and improvement of technical infrastructure. Otherwise, limited own capital accumulation capacity, insufficient technical and social infrastructure, low level of agriculture integration with national economy, all of them are considered as main barriers to sustainable development.

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Jak cytować
Żmija, J. (2000). Szanse i bariery zrównoważonego rozwoju rolnictwa i wsi w Małopolsce. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (41), 185–197.

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