Postawy etnocentryczne polskich konsumentów na rynku żywności

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Krystyna Gutkowska
Marta Sajdakowska

Ethnocentric market and consumption attitudes manifest themselves in conscious consumers' preferences towards domestic products rather than these of foreign origin. On the contrary to these attitudes, some people represent international attitudes and choose preferably foreign products. There is also a group of cosmopolitan buyers for whom the fact of the achieving the maximum potential benefits from the use of any product is prevailing in making decision about its choice. The issue of ethnocentrism has been addressed to a small extent in the Polish literature on the subject. Consequently there is a necessity for conducting empirical studies on conditions for presence of the ethnocentric attitudes among Polish population. The results of the study show high level of the ethnocentric attitudes of Polish consumers on the food market.

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Jak cytować
Gutkowska, K., & Sajdakowska, M. (2001). Postawy etnocentryczne polskich konsumentów na rynku żywności. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (44), 25–35.

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