Przemiany w wydatkach na edukację w Polsce w latach dziewięćdziesiątych

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Hanna Dudek
Jolanta Kotlarska

Changes in expenditure on education in Poland in the nineties have been studied in this paper. To examine the influence of respectively: an available income, the category of the household according to established socio-economic groups and the number of persons per household on the change in percentile household expenditures on education, the econometric models have been built. There has been found in our research that in the years 1993-1999, the percentage of expenditures on education in total household expenditures increased in all selected groups. The annual rate of change in this percentage was about 0.05% on average in analysed groups. The highest percentage occurred in households of the self-employed and employees in non-manual labour positions. An additional conclusion is that the households with 4-5 persons designed relatively highest expenditures on education.

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Jak cytować
Dudek, H., & Kotlarska, J. (2003). Przemiany w wydatkach na edukację w Polsce w latach dziewięćdziesiątych. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (49), 91–101.

Budżety gospodarstw domowych w lat1ch 1993-1999, GUS, Departament Statystyki Społecznej, Warszawa.

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Roczniki Statystyczne GUS z lat 1990- 1999, GUS, Warszawa.



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