Simple method of comprehensive assessment of the consequences of the change in the excise tax on beer for the state budget

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Grzegorz Sobiecki

Keywords : excise tax, budget revenues, beer market, estimation method
In this article the author derives a simple, indirect method to estimate a multi-channel influence of changes in excise tax on beer on state budget revenues in Poland, which uses publicly accessible statistical data. The channels included are changes of VAT, PIT, CIT and direct excise tax revenues of beer and substitutes (mainly vodka) paid by producers, retailers, wholesalers, gastronomy as well as of producers of raw materials, service and supplies providers for brewing beer.

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How to Cite
Sobiecki, G. (2018). Simple method of comprehensive assessment of the consequences of the change in the excise tax on beer for the state budget. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (121), 5–24.

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