Monitoring system of mass damage to agricultural crops due to weather anomalies in Poland – a proposal for improvement

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Michał Borowy
Martin Dahl
Dariusz Gozdowski
Arkadiusz Weremczuk

Keywords : insurance risk, crop insurance, agricultural insurance, inn
Every year in Polish agriculture there are losses caused by adverse weather phenomena. Estimating the amount of damage by traditional methods is too time-consuming; it can take up to several months, which makes it difficult to pay compensation and reduces confidence in the national insurance system. The article proposes a modern monitoring method that allows shortening this period to several days, while increasing the quality and accuracy of the data. The proposed solution is fully feasible and has economic justification. It allows for much faster and more precise planning of public spending in case of negative effects of weather anomalies.

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How to Cite
Borowy, M., Dahl, M., Gozdowski, D., & Weremczuk, A. (2018). Monitoring system of mass damage to agricultural crops due to weather anomalies in Poland – a proposal for improvement. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (124), 79–91.

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